Vaxxed: From Coverup to Catastrophe
Film Review by Jim West
Angelika Film Center, NYC, 4/2/2016
This is an amazing, professional work, the result of great technical, political, and esthetic skills. A confidence builder for vaccine critics. It clearly documents CDC corruption and militant arrogance. It describes pharmaceutical industry power. The film keeps its cool and does not go over the top.
Most powerful - were the numerous interviews with parents who watched their children take the MMR vaccine and immediately fall into intense permanent disability. Mothers and fathers know every detail of any subtle event related to their children, more so than any scientist.
Polly Tommey, mother of an autistic child, interviewed in the film, a noble soul and now an activist: “We wanted to be perfect parents. My child had the normal vaccines at 2, 4 and 6 months, a little bit sniffly chesty coldy after maybe the last one. In my perfect mother mode, I rushed him back to the doctor. The doctor prescribed more and more antibiotics. My mother, a homeopathic hippy, said, Why are you chucking those things into your child? I answered, With all due respect mother, you're just an artist and I'm talking to a Doctor...”

Polly also spoke during the panel discussion: “There is little hope for my children. There is no benefit for me telling you this. I'm telling you this so you can avoid what we are going through.”
And the science, leaked from the CDC, was heavy, and presented well.
Available in the lobby after the showing were: the famous "discredited" scientist, Andrew Wakefield (director, photo bottom-left); Del Bigtree (producer, photo at right); Richard Castro (distributor). Del Bigtree is a producer/director who had previously produced the TV series called "The Doctors", "Dr. Phil", and others. Also present and eloquent, was Brian Hooker, a scientist whom the CDC put a lawyer on years ago to make it illegal for him to contact the CDC for data. He still was able to record extensive phone conversations with the CDC Whistleblower.
The film has been lambasted by the drug tabloid, The New York Times. It had falsely described the film's topic as if it were primarily about the already demonized scientist, Andrew Wakefield. Here is my breakdown of The New York Times board of directors, substantially medical product reps: NYT Board
The film is actually about William Thompson, a high ranking epidemiologist at the CDC. Thompson is the "CDC Whistleblower". Though Wakefield directed the film, he did not give his own work much attention.

While listening to Bigtree, I heard this: Years ago, he was stunned by the Whistleblower news on the alternative internet news. He could not mention the Whistleblower in his own work because of his dependence on sponsors from the pharmaceutical industry (CDC etc). He assumed the story would make headlines elsewhere, yet no mainstream outlet mentioned the Whistleblower. He knew that his "work was run by pharma" and he began to realize that "all mainstream media is run by pharma."
I conversed with a guy who drove from Ohio to see the film. He had been listening to his wife for 20 years talking against vaccines, and he had been like, "yea, yeh..." His wife told him, "You are going to see this film!" So he drove to New York. He is now a convert to the vax-critical position.
I pitched my ultrasound/autism research to Castro, Bigtree, and extensively to Wakefield, as it reinforces the vaccine view and resolves key contradictions. It was a challenge getting through the crowd, lights, video teams, and attractive groupies who were clustering up for Wakefield photos.
The film describes a great scandal, but it is almost politically safe, and that's how it almost made it to the mainstream audience. It may still. Robert De Niro, with an autistic child of his own, was planning to show the film at the Tribeca Film Festival before being knocked back by the powers in the final hours. The Angelika Film Center then offered to premiere the film.
The film advocates the single-dose vaccines and is critical of the triple-dose MMR vaccine. It is otherwise pro-vaccine, advocating that instead of one MMR shot, children get three single-dose shots.
The film shows us that a large portion of children with autism have had the MMR, disproportionately to the those without the MMR injection. The CDC is refusing to do an unambiguous vaccinated vs unvaccinated comparison study, as is their history with all vaccines. It appears that CDC is hiding meeting records, hiding data, shredding data, corrupting studies to dilute results, etc. The relation of CDC execs to the pharma industry is a revolving door, of course. Vaccines are not categorized as pharmaceuticals and are not therefore as stringently tested, i.e., zero-exposure control groups are not included in vaccine studies.

For more information see this interview with Del Bigtree at The Autism File
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